Sales (949) 301-9308

Archive for November, 2016

ATM Skimmers Are Becoming A Huge Problem

Unless your firm is directly connected to the banking industry, you may not be aware of this, but the biggest ATM-related crime that banks have to grapple with is ATM Skimming. It ...

Windtalker Attack May Get Personal Info from Mobile Wifi

There’s a new attack vector to be worried about called “Windtalker.” It allows a hacker to take control of a WiFi hotspot and reverse-engineer keystrokes made by users who are typing via ...

More Malware Threats Ahead For Web Enabled Devices

If recent events are any indication, Botnets are going to be in the news a lot more in coming months. Less than a month ago, a massive army of hacked internet devices ...

FriendFinder Hack Exposes Almost Half A Billion Users

The year of 2016 continues to break new records in terms of massive security breaches. According to LeakedSource, last month, hackers gained access to the FriendFinder Network, which includes the adult dating ...

3rd Party Sign-in with Facebook or Google May Have Security Flaw

If you own your own business, then odds are good that you’ve taken advantage of the “Sign in With Facebook” (or Google) API. It’s fast, it’s convenient and it’s one less thing ...

Mobile Users Running Old IOS Versions Vulnerable To Fake Apps

Back in the good ol’ days before the rise of the iPhone, Apple devices were largely considered to be more secure than their Wintel counterparts. There was a time when Apple used ...

Microsoft Is Losing The Browser Wars

Internet Explorer is widely regarded as one of the most security riddled browsers in the history of the internet. Microsoft had hoped that with the release of Windows 10, which included a ...

Faster Wi-Fi Coming Soon With New WiGig Standard

It’s amazing how pervasive WiFi has become. These days, it’s hard to imagine life without it. The internet is everywhere. It’s always on, and you’re always connected. Unfortunately, as speeds have improved ...

Viruses Affecting Patient Care Hospitals Cause Shutdowns

So far as is known, no hacking attack to date has resulted in death, but the day is inevitably coming. One day in the not-too-distant future, a hacker will be charged with ...

Microsoft Windows Vulnerability Revealed By Google

Tech giants Google and Microsoft are at odds, thanks to a recent announcement made by Google about a vulnerability in Windows’ Operating System. Google’s longstanding policy has been to inform the company ...


Hotel Management Hack Exposes Guest Data

Hotel Management Hack Exposes Guest Data

A recent successful hotel management hack that compromised data from several major hotel chains highlights the many potential ways attackers[...]
5G and Business: Unlocking Opportunities With Ultra-Fast Connectivity

5G and Business: Unlocking Opportunities With Ultra-Fast Connectivity

Is your establishment prepared for the next generation of connectivity? 5G and business now go hand in hand for unprecedented[...]
Ransomware and Resilience: Preparing Your Business for Cyber Threats

Ransomware and Resilience: Preparing Your Business for Cyber Threats

What would you do if cybercriminals held your company data hostage? Unfortunately, these incidents are becoming more commonplace. Prepare for the[...]



3333 Michelson Dr Ste 300
Irvine, CA 92612

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320 Superior Ave, Ste 340
Newport Beach, CA 92663


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Since 2001, Enterprise Data Solutions has been a leading provider of IT support and consulting, focusing on small and medium sized businesses in Orange County and greater Los Angeles area. We have helped hundreds of businesses increase productivity and profitability by making IT a streamlined part of operations. We equip our clients with customized technology solutions for greater operational value and to reduce risk.

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