Sales (949) 301-9308


How To Fight Time Wasters That Kill Your Productivity

Are you as productive as you could be? Do you feel as though you’ve got plenty of time to get everything done? If so, then give yourself a pat on the back. ...

CES Booth Raided By Feds – Over a Hoverboard?

File this one away under “unlikely but true.” The story reads like something from a pulp science fiction novel. US Marshals descended on a booth at CES (the Consumer Electronics Show), which ...

Dealing With Different Types of Customers

Customers come in all shapes and sizes, but broadly speaking, they tend to fall into five major categories. Recognizing them will go a long way toward helping you deal with each type ...

Can A Password Manager Help You Be More Secure?

With all the prominent hacks making headlines last year, it just makes sense to start looking around for security solutions you can use every day in order to better secure your own ...

Hyatt Joins the Long List of Hacked Companies

Another day, another report of a large company data breach. The victim this time was Hyatt, and the breach impacted a total of 318 of their 627 properties. The culprit in this ...

Windows 10 – The Most Successful OS Launch in Microsoft’s History

It’s no secret – not all software is created equally. Some products are blasted from the moment they are released, others are greeted with cautious optimism, and a very few are readily ...

What To Do With Your Old Laptop

It happens. The day comes when your old, reliable laptop gets traded in for a new model with more bells and whistles, a faster CPU and more storage space. Unfortunately, with Moore’s ...

Training Made Painless – Make Education A Part Of Your Business

Whatever business you’re in, you know what a spectacular pain arranging training can be. First, you’ve got to find a relevant SME (Subject Matter Expert). He or she probably doesn’t live in ...

Running Out of Smartphone Space? Easy Fixes to Solve the Problem

It’s a bit of a paradox. In a world of cheap, ubiquitous storage, most smartphones don’t have a lot of storage, and what’s available to you can fill up quickly. If you ...

Need Internet On The Go? Here’s How To Stay Connected

It’s no secret, we live in a world of 24/7 connectivity. It’s become such an integral part of our daily lives that we’ve come to expect it. We’re even increasingly taking our ...


5G Technology: The Game-Changer for Small Businesses

5G Technology: The Game-Changer for Small Businesses

Is your small or medium-sized business still relying on WiFi, which uses routers and radio signals to connect devices within[...]
Harness the Power of Data Analysis to Skyrocket Your Business Growth

Harness the Power of Data Analysis to Skyrocket Your Business Growth

Data is king in the current business landscape. It’s an era of ever-changing market dynamics, strong competition, and an increasingly[...]
Apple’s iOS 18: Unlocking New Possibilities for Your Business

Apple’s iOS 18: Unlocking New Possibilities for Your Business

Suppose you're a business owner currently using an Apple operating system. In that case, you may have been anticipating the[...]



3333 Michelson Dr Ste 300
Irvine, CA 92612

Newport Beach

320 Superior Ave, Ste 340
Newport Beach, CA 92663


Sales (949) 301-9308
24/7 Live Support (949) 424-6501
Administration (949) 424-6500


Since 2001, Enterprise Data Solutions has been a leading provider of IT support and consulting, focusing on small and medium sized businesses in Orange County and greater Los Angeles area. We have helped hundreds of businesses increase productivity and profitability by making IT a streamlined part of operations. We equip our clients with customized technology solutions for greater operational value and to reduce risk.

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The 20 Elite